Silence is Violence: Unpacking and Addressing Anti-AAPI Violence

View the Recording of the March 27, 2021, Coalition-sponsored webinar: “Silence is Violence: Unpacking and Addressing Anti-AAPI Violence.”


With the COVID-19 pandemic and the deliberate actions of some political leaders, inflammatory and xenophobic rhetoric has put Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) persons, families, communities, and businesses at risk. Despite public outcry, and increasing racism against AAPI persons, some of our nation’s leaders continue to choose nomenclature for the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), such as the “Chinese Virus” and the “Kung Flu,” which adversely impacts and endangers the lives of the most rapidly growing ethnic group in the country. Accordingly, this has led to increasing rates of bullying, harassment, assault, and other hate crimes (including killings) against AAPI persons.

There has been a surge of xenophobic violence against Asian American and Pacific Islanders, with 3,795 documented anti-AAPI hate incidents across the country between March 19, 2020 and February 28, 2021. We recognize that many more go unreported.We further recognize that these issues are not entirely new, as AAPI communities have been subjected to violence, discrimination, and stereotyping throughout U.S. history.

The Coalition recognizes that anti-AAPI prejudice is one form of systematic racism that continues to permeate our nation, and in all its institutions. Together, we will work to activate every member of our organization to take a stand against the structures that perpetuate and fuel discrimination and assaults on Asian American and Pacific Islander persons, and to identify actionable ways to address this and all forms of prejudice, stigmatization, and racism.

We hereby recommend the following as a start:

  • Holding space at each campus for AAPI classified professionals, faculty, administrators and students, and to include other POC and co-conspirators

  • Disaggregate AAPI data and challenge the Model Minority Myth•Interrogate White Supremacy and speaking out against hurtful rhetoric against AAPIs

The Coalition stands united against racism, and together, we will take all necessary action to stop it. Silence leads to violence.


The Space You Occupy is Different. Are You Ready?


A Collective Response to the Racial Violence Amidst COVID19